Voter Engagement Foundation Toolkits

The philanthropic sector has a unique opportunity to highlight the voices and concerns of the communities it works with. Nonprofit VOTE, Independent Sector and the Council on Foundations believes we should bring those voices to the forefront. By producing a toolkit to provide nonpartisan support, encourage voter participation and strengthen democracy we hope we have taken that step. These include one aimed at community foundations, and another aimed at private foundations.

The toolkits provide a cross-section of measures to educate and organize nonpartisan events around voter engagement, including options, sample content, and case studies. Productive and constructive civic engagement is proving to be an effective tool of changemaking in ways beyond voting. Engaged voters tend to be more engaged neighbors, and more engaged neighbors means more vibrant communities. Foundations can be a resource in educating, informing, and providing the spaces to facilitate active participation in these processes, within the confines of the law.

Download the Toolkit for Community Foundations

Download the Toolkit for Private Foundations


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